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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Latest Attempt On Trump’s Life -----------

 The Latest Attempt On Trump’s Life Is Yet Another Example Of The Extreme Chaos That Is Plaguing Our Society- by Michael Snyder - We were warned that it was just a matter of time before there would be another attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and now it has happened. Thankfully, this new attempt to take Trump out failed,and so for now we have avoided a nightmare scenario. But from this point forward, Trump and other prominent politicians are going to need to take extreme precautions regarding their safety. We are less than two months away from the election, and emotions arerunning extremely high. Needless to say, this is especially true when it comes to Trump. No presidential candidate has ever been more hated by the left than Donald Trump, and he just “narrowly survived yet another assassination attempt”… Former President Trump narrowly survived yet another assassination attempt after a sniper with a scoped AK-47 rifle got within a few hundred yards of him as he played golf at his West PalmBeach, Florida club on Friday. It is the second time a madman armed with an assault rifle has tried to kill the 45th president in two months. Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the suspect had taken cover near a chain-link fence between 300-500 yards away from Trump, but conceded, “with a rifle and scope like that is nota long distance.” How did this sniper know that Trump would be golfing? Trump’s golf outings are not put on any public schedule. Somehow he knew that Trump would be there. It is being reported that there were gunshots in the “vicinity” of Trump, and once the sniper realized that his plot had been foiled he fled the scene and took off in a black Nissan… Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said in a briefing that Trump was about 300-500 yards away from the man with the gun. Bradshaw they received a call from U.S. Secret Service at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday that shots had been fired. Units immediately moved to seal off the area, and a witness told authorities that theyhad seen a man jumping out of the bushes and fleeing in a black Nissan. They took a photo of the license plate number, and the car was spotted traveling north on I-95 toward Martin County, where the driver was pulled over and detained. The witness then identifiedthe individual as the man they had seen in the bushes. Law enforcement found an AK47-style rifle with a scope, two backpacks with ceramic tile and a Go Pro camera in the bushes at the scene. They displayed photos of the weapon and the backpackat the briefing. Apparently the sniper had set up the Go Pro camera because he intended to film himself shooting Trump. Authorities were able to capture the sniper, and they have identified him as Ryan Wesley Routh… The man who authorities say pointed a rifle with a scope into former President Donald Trump’s golf club and was arrested is Ryan Wesley Routh, three law enforcement officials told The AssociatedPress. The officials identified the suspect to the AP but spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation. At this hour, we don’t know much about Ryan Wesley Routh other than that he is from Hawaii and that he “championed left-wing causes on social media”. But I find it quite interesting that this is yet another presidential assassin with three names. He also seemed to know quite a bit about the golf course somehow. He picked a spot that would give him a very easy escape route, and we are being told that the area around the 5th and 6th hole is quite “vulnerable”… The armed suspect was posted up outside the club around the 5th and 6th hole, which a source familiar with the incident told is a ‘vulnerable’ area of the course. Obviously there was quite a bit of planning involved in this operation. Did Routh plan this by himself, or did he have help? Trump was extremely fortunate that the Secret Service was able to spot Routh, because once someone gets into the shrubbery that surrounds the golf course “they’re pretty much out of sight”… Asked by reporters how this incident could occur, especially given the previous attempt on Trump’s life, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw described the golf course as being “surroundedby shrubbery” with a limited perimeter. “When somebody gets into the shrubbery, they’re pretty much out of sight,” he said. And there is a lot less security around Trump when he is golfing than there is when he is at a rally. So when Trump is golfing, that presents a real security challenge for the Secret Service… Because Trump is not a sitting president, Bradshaw said, “security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible,” but that will likely change in the future. “I would imagine the next time he comes at a golf course, there’ll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter, but the Secret Service did exactly what they should have done.They provided exactly what the protection should have been, and their agent did a fantastic job.” If I was Trump, I would refrain from golfing for the foreseeable future. Undoubtedly, there will probably be more attempts to take him out. One of the only reasons why authorities were able to catch this sniper is because a quick thinking bystander photographed the sniper and reported what he witnessed to law enforcement… The gunman’s arrest was given a big boost by a bystander who spotted the suspect running out of the bushes and getting into a black Nissan, even photographing the man and reporting the sightingto law enforcement, who then blasted it out statewide leading to his arrest after a felony stop on I-95 a short time later. Sadly, this attempt on Trump’s life is yet another example of the widespread chaos that is plaguing our entire society. According to one recent survey, approximately 60 percent of all Americans believe that violent crime is getting worse… The majority of Americans agree – crime is on the rise. A recent survey from Rasmussen Reports showed that about 60% of Americans believe violent crime is getting worse. Today, many Americans are literally afraid to leave their own homes because the violence in the streets has gotten so bad. In Chicago, they have spent 180 million dollars on crime reduction programs, but violent crime just keeps going up… Crime is up in Chicago despite city-wide efforts – and more than $180 million – to reduce violence through a series of programs. Republican state Rep. John Cabello said Chicago’s rising crime rate amounts to an indictment of the state’s present legal system and all its recent changes. New data shows robbery, aggravated assault and aggravated battery cases across the city are all at five-year highs over the 12 months as the number of violent crimes overall have jumped by7.2%. Overall, more than 30,000 violent crimes were reported in Chicago during the 12 months that ended in July. That is nuts. But that is the society that we live in now. Our society is absolutely teeming with violent predators, and more come pouring into our country with each passing day. At this point, violent gangs are terrorizing communities from coast to coast, and even “America’s highest producing oil field” is not immune… It’s only going to get worse from here, as the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous open border policies have now come to a ‘neighborhood near you’ (for some of you). In the past week,we saw armed Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua members terrorize the northern Denver suburb of Aurora and other sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats. New concerns out Thursday afternoon indicate critical infrastructure is now under threat from migrantcartel members. According to Libs of TikTok, a Texas-based oil/gas company issued a memo to employees informing them that police and the FBI have warned armed Cuba and Venezuela migrant gangs are committingthefts in the Permian Basin (America’s highest producing oil field). For a long time, we were warned that chaos was coming. Now it is here. Our society is literally coming apart at the seams all around us, and violence is out of control. But if you think that things are bad now, just wait, because what is ahead is going to be even worse.

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